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Pia Sahni and Colleen Tripp

“A Digital Reading of Ruth Ozeki’s My Year of Meats”

For our digital scholarship project, we created an interactive digital reading of Ruth Ozeki’s novel, My Year of Meats, exploring the content, history, and geography of the book. The digital reading offers an opportunity for the reader to engage with the text on a different level; it opens the narrative and destabilizes it, allowing for multiple interpretations by a variety of readers. By using WordPress, we have access to an established popular community that’s easy to use.

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  1. browndigitalscholarship / Jun 9 2010 7:50 am

    I found the thirteen blog entries on this site remarkable in several ways. They are well written, and as a reading of the text, the blog is as good as any graduate school paper in any other format. I also appreciated the excellent choices of materials linked to this site.

    Pia and Colleen selected a perfect novel on which to work. “My Year of Meats” combines popular culture, political, and web references that can be usefully explored in an on-line format. This project stands as a model of how to use a blog to explicate and analyze a fictional text and I’d urge Pia and Colleen to write a conventional paper about their work to describe what they’ve accomplished here. You could publish in College English or in any journal that covers contemporary literature.

    I think a different question would be how to use a blog like this in a course, with different students responsible for different postings and the whole coming together as a final project. Students might propose blog postings about one novel or several, over the term, and contribute to a blog that extended and analyzed course readings. “My Year of Meats” could serve as a model for what the class could accomplish.

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